The last few years have produced a groundswell of interest in improving our school accountability systems. Some suggest it’s necessary to fine-tune current practices, while others advocate sweeping reforms that […]
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Our resources address key issues in our field to help assessment and accountability leaders, policy makers, and practitioners design and implement systems that promote improved outcomes for students.
We proudly generate white papers, policy briefs, videos, toolkits, and other products to support you and your organization in navigating the most important issues facing our field. We focus on the design and validation of assessment and accountability systems to support next generation learning initiatives. Our resources are freely available via Creative Commons 4.0 license, which allows users to use, adapt, and/or share the material as needed with proper attribution.

More than a dozen states are exploring or piloting through-year assessments to replace their current end-of-year summative test for accountability. Although moving to a through-year assessment program may provide a […]
Through-year assessment is enjoying a surge of attention, with more than a dozen states designing, piloting, or implementing versions of this assessment model to replace their current end-of-year summative test […]
The pandemic has changed the accountability landscape. States are experiencing different challenges as they restart their ESSA accountability in 2022. To better understand the impact of the pandemic on states’ […]
The Operational Best Practices for Accountability are intended to provide states with guidance and criteria for the design, development, implementation, evaluation, and potential revision of accountability systems under ESSA. These […]
From Session 4 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: The final session will involve turning the tables. Center for Assessment professionals and some external experts will be invited to […]
Design Innovation in Educational Assessment Systems Agenda Wednesday, September 15th Time Topic 1:00pm Introduction to Design Innovation – Design and innovation in the creation of educational assessment systems.Charles DePascale, Center […]
Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Assessment and Accountability Agenda Date/Time Topic August 11, 20203:30 – 5:00pm EDT Assessment for Fall 2020This webinar is based on a paper sponsored by […]
This paper, supported by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), provides guidance to help states develop and validate exit criteria for schools identified as needing Comprehensive Supports and […]
This paper analyzes the policy challenges and provides recommendations associated with having college admissions tests meet federal assessment requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act.
The Center at 20: Leveraging the lessons of the past to improve the impact of assessment and accountability practices Thursday, September 27th Agenda Time Topic 8:30am Welcome to RILSScott Marion, […]
This brief summarizes ESSA’s requirements for the school quality/student success indicator and outlines key factors to consider when identifying, evaluating, and implementing these indicators as part of a state’s federal […]
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) addresses concerns about the effects of high-stakes achievement tests by authorizing a pilot program that allows up to seven states to apply for a […]
Scott Marion argues on behalf of several states for a principled approach to using an equity indicator in their ESSA accountability system designs.
Scott Marion provides a rationale for states interested in using an achievement index in their ESSA accountability system designs.
This paper helps state accountability leaders consider criteria and potential methods to evaluate the success, utility, and impact of their identification and accountability systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act […]
This paper provides state accountability leaders an overview of the federal law and key design considerations as they develop identification systems under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The authors […]
This brief provides recommendations to support state education agencies in establishing coherent state plans for ESSA and Perkins. It highlights key touchpoints across the two laws and explains how the […]