What We’re Up To: Center Presentations at NCME and AERA
Two of the big conferences in the assessment field occur simultaneously each April, and the dates (April 11-14) are upon us. Our associates are making a bevy of fascinating presentations. Here’s a quick rundown of what we’re doing, and when, at the meetings of the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) and the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Friday, April 12
Challenges and Innovations in Creating Interactive Reports of Student Progress and Growth (coordinated paper session)
- Damian Betebenner (Assessment Reporting in Support of Student Learning)
Toward Balanced and Equitable Assessment Systems: Considerations for Implementation and Use (organized discussion)
- Scott Marion
Subscores: A Practical Guide for Their Production and Consumption (coordinated paper session)
- Chris Domaleski (How Do Various Stakeholders Use Subscore Information?)
Saturday, April 13
What Are Important Quality Criteria for Assessments in a Competency-based Educational Program? (organized discussion)
- Scott Marion
Years of Learning: Relating Changes in Student Attainment to Time (coordinated paper session)
- Damian Betebenner (Using Growth Norms to (In)Validate Years of Learning)
Approaches to Evaluating Item Quality (coordinated paper session)
- Rebecca Kelley, Erika Landl, and Scott Marion (Evaluating the Implementation of New Hampshire’s Item Quality Criteria)
- Erika Landl and Brian Gong (Extending the Evaluation of Item Quality in New Hampshire)
Equity by Design: New Models for Implementing Universal Design (coordinated paper session)
- Cara C. Laitusis and Meagan Karvonen (A Case for Reimagining Universal Design in Assessment Systems)
Putting Research into Practice: Case Studies Developing Reporting Tools with Stakeholder Engagement (coordinated paper session)
- Nathan Dadey and E. Caroline Wylie (What Does This Mean for My Next Unit? A Classroom Reporting Approach)
Sunday, April 14
Is Your Test Instructionally Useful? How Do You Know? (coordinated paper session).
- Scott Marion (Instructional Utility of Assessments: A Conceptual Framework)
- Carla M. Evans (Assessment Features That Impact Instructional Utility)
- Nathan Dadey (An Instructional Utility Case Study: Considering the Louisiana Innovative Assessment Pilot)
- Kyla McClure, graduate research assistant, University of Colorado-Boulder (and former Center intern) (Investigating Teacher Use of Benchmark Models to Improve Instruction in Utah).
Validating Assessment in a Multicultural, Pluralistic Context (coordinated paper session)
- Suzanne Lane and Scott Marion (Validity Considerations for Culturally Responsive Assessments)
Educational Measurement, Fifth Edition: A New Approach (coordinated paper session)
- Suzanne Lane and Scott Marion (Validity in Educational Measurement)
Moving from Accountability to Improvement: A Framework and Lessons from the Field (panel)
- Chris Brandt and Juan Manuel D’Brot (A Framework to Improve Accountability, and Examples from the Field)
Instructing and Assessing Competencies for Future Success: Research from International Baccalaureate (coordinated paper session)
- Chris Brandt (A Review of Creative Thinking and Implications for Assessment Design and Use)
- William A. Lorié (Defining and Assessing Ethical Thinking in Cross-National Education Contexts)
Culturally Responsive Assessment in Classrooms and Large-Scale Contexts: Theory, Research and Practice (organized discussion)
- Carla M. Evans, organizer, presenter
Surveys of/for the Measurement Community (paper session)
- Brian Gong, discussant
Friday, April 13:
Reconsidering Teacher Assessment Literacy: Evolving Trends and Practices in Education
- E. Caroline Wylie and Margaret Heritage (Principles for Equitable Classroom Assessment)
Sunday April 14:
Toward Balanced Assessment Systems: Considerations for Implementation and Use
- Scott Marion
- Carla M. Evans and Erika Landl (State Practices and Balanced Assessment Systems)
Assessment Literacy and Professional Learning
- E. Caroline Wylie and Margaret Heritage (Classroom Assessment and Assessment Literacy Practices to Support Equitable and Ambitious Teaching and Learning)