Student Learning Objectives Toolkit

The Student Learning Objectives Toolkit is a resource developed by the Center to help educators map out the process for developing quality SLOs.

This module contains the following:

  • –SLO – Assessments: A video module that explains analyzing data for setting targets on Student Learning Objectives.
  • –SLO – Introduction: A video module that introduces Student Learning Objectives and the development process. –SLO – Establishing Baseline Data: A video module that describes baseline data and their use in establishing targets on Student Learning Objectives.
  • –SLO – Setting Targets: A video module that explains analyzing data for setting targets on Student Learning Objectives.
  • –SLO – Training: A PowerPoint that walks through the process and the accompanying materials. It even has a script, so users can utilize the presentation for professional development, or to get more details than what is stated on each slide.
  • –SLO – Template: A blank template, which indicates the components that need to be completed for developing an SLO.
  • –SLO – Instructional Guide: An instructional guide, which provides guidance in understanding the SLO template and the process for developing a cohesive and acceptable quality SLO.
  • –SLO – Using Data & Information: A guidance document to understand the use of baseline data to set SLO targets. –SLO – Rubric for Quality Rating: A rubric for rating the quality of SLOs, to be sure that the content included all meet a minimum requirement before it is used for teacher ratings.
  • –SLO – Social Studies Example: An SLO example template using 12th grade social studies.
  • –SLO – Social Studies Planning Pages Example: An SLO example using 12th grade social studies with planning pages, including the teacher rating.
  • –SLO – Annotated Social Studies Example: An annotated version of an SLO example using 12th grade social studies that shows how each piece can be analyzed.
  • –SLO – Review Tool: A tool that provides a framework for evaluating the quality of an SLO and serves as a companion to the SLO rubric.