2008 Reidy Interactive Lecture Series

Validating Assessment and Accountability Programs

September 25th-26th


Session I
Vicissitudes of the Validators
Henry Braun, Boston College
Session II
Moderated Panel
Key considerations for different types of validation efforts
Validating Accountability Systems
Brian Gong,
Center for Assessment
Key Considerations for Validating Alternate Assessment Systems
Scott Marion,
Center for Assessment
Validating NAEP Preparedness Measures
Laurie Wise, HumRRO
Session III
In-depth Example #1
Validating a state’s alternate assessment system
Validity Arguments for Alternate Assessment Systems
Scott Marion, Center for Assessment
Establishing a Validity Argument for the Georgia Alternate Assessment: Putting the Pieces Together
Melissa Fincher, Georgia DOE
Session IV
In-depth Example #2
Developing a theory of action as a framework for an accountability system that includes status and growth
Validating Accountability Systems: Theory of Action
Brian Gong, Center for Assessment
Session V
In-depth example #3
Validating a college readiness assessment
Validating Indicators of College Preparedness: Ready or Not?
Laurie Wise, HumRRO
Establishing Validity on the Achieve American Diploma Project Algebra II Exam
Robert Triscari, Achieve
Tracy Halka, Achieve