2022 Reidy Interactive Lecture Series

Assessment and Accountability to Monitor and Support Learning Recovery


Thursday, September 22nd

9:00amWelcome: Best Practices in Using Assessment to Monitor and
Support the Recovery

Scott Marion, Center for Assessment

The pandemic disruptions to schools have had a well-documented effect on student learning. We now need to focus our efforts on accelerating student learning at a rate our country has not yet seen on a broad scale. We required this level of acceleration for many students before the pandemic. This presentation will set the stage for the rest of the conference about how we can use assessments to support and monitor student learning, particularly in terms of the apparent need to accelerate learning at scale.
9:15amFrom Impact to Recovery: How Pandemic Studies Help Inform
Recovery Efforts

Damian Betebenner, Center for Assessment
Charity Flores, Indiana Department of Education
Darin Nielsen, Utah State Board of Education
Robert Lee, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

In this session, we illustrate how the analysis of state assessment data can help identify the impact of pandemic disruptions and support and monitor recovery efforts. We will share results from states where the Center has conducted pandemic impact and recovery studies. An expert panel of state leaders will share their experience shepherding their assessment program through pandemic disruptions.
11:00amFraming Pandemic Impact and Recovery: District Perspectives
André Rupp, Center for Assessment
Erika Landl, Center for Assessment
Debbie Durrence, Gwinnett County (GA) Public Schools
Miranda McLaren, Gwinnett County (GA) Public Schools
Adam Hicks, Shelby County (KY) Public Schools

The session is designed to provide a contextual perspective of the impact of the pandemic disruptions on student learning at the district level. We are fortunate to be joined by multiple district leaders who will describe the various mitigating processes and practices that their districts have implemented. One of the main goals of this session is to have RILS participants gain a deeper understanding of the complexities and interactions of factors on the ground and how these district leaders have used the various assessment and accountability-related data for managing this challenging situation.
1:15pmFocusing on the Formative Assessment Processes to Accelerate Learning
Carla Evans, Center for Assessment
Jeri Thompson, Center for Assessment
Caroline Wylie, ETS, Principal Research Scientist/Research Director, K-12 Teaching,
Learning and Assessment
Christine Landwehrle, Assistant Superintendent, NH SAU 39
Joe Yahna, Principal (PK-8), Josiah Bartlett Elementary School (NH SAU 9)
Chantel DeNapoli, Elementary Math Specialist, Concord School District (NH SAU 8)
Kathy White, Director of Deeper Learning, New Hampshire Learning Initiative

This session focuses on the power and potential of formative assessment processes to accelerate student learning. The session begins with an overview of what often impedes and fosters formative assessment in classrooms and what states and local education agencies can do to support high-quality implementation. A panel comprising national, state, and local education leaders and teachers will then share their experiences related to supporting high-quality formative assessment processes in classrooms. They will address questions such as: what tends to work and does not work, for whom, under what conditions, and why. Then, small group discussions will allow participants to reflect on the previous conversation, concluding in a question and answer session with the panel.
3:30pmHow Do We Know If Recovery Strategies Are Working?
Juan D’Brot
, Center for Assessment
Chris Brandt, Center for Assessment
Scott Marion, Center for Assessment

This two-part session is intended to help ensure that we accurately identify learning issues and match these issues with solutions based on the best available evidence. Many solutions to current challenges are tied to accelerating student learning at scale in response to the impact of the pandemic. Across these two sessions, participants will develop practical evaluation strategies to identify barriers and monitor the effectiveness of efforts to accelerate student learning.
4:30pmAdjourn Day One

Friday, September 23th

9:00amMonitoring Progress: But how do you know?
Juan D’Brot, Center for Assessment
Chris Brandt, Center for Assessment

The second part of this discussion focuses on practical applications for program evaluation. We will explore and provide guidance on defining a problem, considering solutions, and identifying appropriate evidence to monitor whether those solutions are working. This session will conclude with revisiting our Day 1 activity and looking for opportunities to monitor progress more effectively.
10:30amThe Role of State Accountability and Reporting to Support Recovery
Chris Domaleski, Center for Assessment
Laura Pinsonneault, Center for Assessment
Ajit Gopalakrishnan, Connecticut Department of Education
Shelly Robertson, Ohio Department of Education

We examine the impact of pandemic disruptions on school accountability systems and how states have addressed these challenges. We will focus on how accountability and reporting systems can help education leaders broadly understand the impact of the pandemic disruptions on student outcomes. Moving beyond solely technical considerations, we will discuss how systems can most appropriately influence support.
11:45amClosing Remarks
Chris Domaleski, Center for Assessment
NoonLunch and Adjourn
