2024 Reidy Interactive Learning Series

Consequential Uses of Assessment: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead


Thursday, Sept. 26

8:30BreakfastBreakfast provided
9:00Welcome, Context & EssentialsScott Marion provides introductory remarks about the background and purpose of RILS.
9:10Considering Consequences in
Assessment: Mapping the Landscape
André A. Rupp and Chris Domaleski provide a framing presentation to introduce key frameworks and empirical findings about consequential uses of assessment.
10:00Assessment Brain Bash: Wrestling With Consequences
(Part 1: Friendly Debate)
Center staff engage in a friendly debate focused on critical arguments for and against using standardized assessment for consequential decisions that affect individuals directly or indirectly.

Debate participants:
Carla Evans
Brian Gong
Scott Marion
Caroline Wylie
11:15Assessment Brain Bash: Wrestling With Consequences
(Part 2: Discussion and Reflections)
Andrew Ho provides a critical discussion of key points from the debate. Participants then share reflections elicited by the debate and discuss with other participants at their roundtables.


Andrew Ho, Harvard GSE
12:15LunchLunch provided
1:15Assessment Adventures: Exploring
Consequences Through Illustrative

(Part 1: Vignette Overviews)
Center staff preview several vignettes that illustrate consequential uses of assessment or key areas of innovation that affect consequences.

Vignette topics:

State assessment systems
– 21st-century competencies
– Generative artificial intelligence
– School grading and credit earning
– Diploma eligibility assessment
1:45Assessment Adventures: Exploring
Consequences Through Illustrative

(Part 2: Choose Your Own Adventure)
Participants choose a vignette to explore further and participate in a structured roundtable discussion with the presenters.
3:00Engagement Expedition: Reaching
Constituents to Understand and
Address Consequences

(Part 1: Panelist Presentations)
Panelists present use cases that illustrate how they have effectively involved constituents in different aspects of system design and implementation work to better understand and address consequences.

Pōhai Schultz, University of Hawaii-Manoa
Kyu-Ryung Hwang, New Hampshire DOE
Lu Young, UK Next Gen
Gretchen Morgan, CIE
3:50Engagement Expedition: Reaching
Constituents to Understand and
Address Consequences

(Part 2: Moderated Panel)
Participants discuss the core issues from their uses cases with an eye towards providing strategic guidance and practical recommendations for participants. Participants can submit questions or reflects for the panel.
4:30Wrap-Up/Adjourn Day 1
5:30 Evening reception in hotelLight snacks and drinks provided

Friday Sept. 27

8:30BreakfastBreakfast provided
9:00Welcome Day 2André A. Rupp welcomes participants to day 2 and Laura Pinsonneault engages them in a fun warm-up activity connected to the themes of day 1.
9:15Navigating the Policy Territory: Shaping Assessment ConsequencesPanelists discuss how federal, state and local policy levers can be used to properly configure assessment systems with an eye towards properly managing consequences.

Peter Zamora, CCSSO
Stephen Pruitt, SREB
Lillian Pace, KnowledgeWorks
10:30Trailblazing Transformations: Putting Ideas into Concrete Actions
(Part 1: Panelist Presentations)
Participants provide brief presentations of complementary frameworks for evaluating whether strategic actions for addressing consequences are working.

Juan D’Brot, Center for Assessment
Ye Tong, NBME
Susan Lyons, Lyons Assessment Consulting
11:00Trailblazing Transformations: Putting Ideas into Concrete Actions
(Part 2: Activity)
Juan D’Brot leads participants through an activity to think through key consequences for interim, large-scale, and performance-based assessment.
11:30Taking Stock and Looking Ahead:
Conference Reflections

(Part 1: Participant Reflections)
André A. Rupp leads participants through reflection activities that allow them to pull together their learnings in creative ways.
12:10Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Conference Reflections
(Part 2: Organizer Reflections)
Chris Domaleski and André A. Rupp provide conference reflections, signaling common themes, critical tension points, and productive ways forward.
12:30Conference EndsLunch provided