Assessing Student Learning of the Next Generation Science Standards
Thursday, September 28th
Time | Topic |
8:30am | Welcome to RILS Scott Marion, Center for Assessment |
9:00am | Jumping into the NGSS Bill Penuel, University of Colorado Boulder TJ Smolek, Michigan Department of Education This session provides an overview of the structure of the NGSS and illustrating what three dimensional learning looks like within the classroom. |
9:45am | Stretch Break |
9:50am | Specifying the Domain of the NGSS for Assessment Facilitator: Brian Gong, Center for Assessment Specifying the Domain of the NGSS for Assessment Kathleen Scalise, University of Oregon Assessing the NGSS in Delaware April McCrae, Delaware Department of Education Defining the Domain: Washington State Kevin King, WestEd Defining the NGSS Domain to be Assessed Brian Gong, Center for Assessment Kathleen Scalise, University of Oregon April McCrae, Delaware Department of Education Kevin King, WestEd Translating the NGSS into a working assessment blueprint involves a number of decisions, decisions that can ultimately lead to very different assessments. In this session members of several states will present their particular approaches to operationalizing the NGSS as the target of assessment. |
11:05am | Break |
11:20pm | Score Reports & Subclaims Facilitator: Nathan Dadey, Center for Assessment Reporting Scores from NGSS Assessments: Exploring Scores & Subscores Nathan Dadey, Center for Assessment Panelists: Jon Cohen, American Institutes for Research Kevin King, WestEd TJ Smolek, Michigan Department of Education This session explores ways in which summative assessment results can be reported, with emphasis on subscores and the subclaims that support them. |
12:30pm | Lunch |
1:30pm | Item Walk Facilitators: Scott Marion, Center for Assessment Nathan Dadey, Center for Assessment Presenters: Jon Cohen, AIR Christopher Harris, SRI Kevin King, WestEd Kathleen Scalise, University of Oregon Bill Penuel, University of Colorado Boulder Karen Whisler, Measured Progress The “item walk” will provide attendees with the opportunity to examine example items from multiple assessment programs, to both illustrate and explore the challenges of three dimensional item and task design. |
3:00pm | Break |
3:15pm | The Alignment Challenge Facilitator: Jeri Thompson, Center for Assessment Reconceptualizing Alignment: Criteria to guide alignment and quality of NGSS assessments Aneesha Badrinarayan, Achieve Meeting the NGSS Alignment Challenge Sara Christopherson, WebbAlign Designing Aligned Tasks for Assessing Three Dimensional Science Learning Christopher Harris, SRI Panelists: Sean Elkins, Kentucky Department of Education April McCrae, Delaware Department of Education Jan Sibley, Louisiana Department of Education TJ Smolek, Michigan Department of Education This session explores how we can adjust, or develop new, alignment methods and criteria to fairly evaluate how well the test embodies the NGSS, while at the same time, minimizing unintended negative consequences. |
4:55pm | Closing Reflections for Day One Brian Gong, Center for Assessment |
5:00pm | Adjourn for Day One |
5:30pm | Reception Join us for light hors d’oeuvres and drinks as we get to know one another and reflect on the day’s discussions. |
Friday, September 29th
Time | Topic |
7:30am | Breakfast and “Breakfast Table Discussions” Facilitators: Center for Assessment Associates Join colleagues for optional breakfast discussions about issues of interest that extend beyond the NGSS, such as ESSA accountability systems, innovative assessment pilots, capacity-building for NGSS implementation, and other potential topics of mutual interest. |
8:30am | Technical Issues in Summative Assessment Erika Landl, Center for Assessment The Intersection of Measurement Model, Equating, and the Next Generation Science Standards NGSS Measurement Models and Equating Presentation NGSS Measurement Models and EquatingPDF Joseph Martineau, Center for Assessment Standard Setting for NGSS Leslie Keng, Center for Assessment IRT Model for Item Clusters Jon Cohen, AIR Implications: Sparse Domain Coverage Kathleen Scalise, University of Oregon Panelists: Jon Cohen, AIR Kathleen Scalise, University of Oregon This session looks under the hood at some key technical issues, including: measurement models, equating, and standard setting. |
9:30am | Systems of Assessment to Support Multiple Uses and Users Bill Penuel, University of Colorado Boulder Scott Marion, Center for Assessment Panelists: April McCrae, Delaware Department of Education Sean Elkins, Kentucky Department of Education The National Research Council’s report, Developing Assessments for the Next Generation Science Standards stressed the importance of a system of assessments to support the learning and assessment of the NGSS. This session examines the challenges and opportunities to the design and implementation of science assessment systems. |
10:30am | Break |
10:45am | Addressing Current and Future Challenges Facilitators: Center for Assessment Associates This interactive session provides participants with the opportunity to collaborate with one another in small groups on near- and long-term challenges of NGSS assessment. Group topics will be created based on attendee online submissions at the end of day one. |
12:00pm | Closing Reflections Chris Domaleski, Center for Assessment |
12:15pm | Lunch and Adjourn |