The state’s advisory group reviewed and discussed approaches to improve district and school accountability.
Archives: Resource Library
Our resources address key issues in our field to help assessment and accountability leaders, policy makers, and practitioners design and implement systems that promote improved outcomes for students.
We proudly generate white papers, policy briefs, videos, toolkits, and other products to support you and your organization in navigating the most important issues facing our field. We focus on the design and validation of assessment and accountability systems to support next generation learning initiatives. Our resources are freely available via Creative Commons 4.0 license, which allows users to use, adapt, and/or share the material as needed with proper attribution.
A summary of the assessment and accountability recommendations issued by the Maryland Assessment and Accountability Task Force.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators and policymakers have scrambled to assess the impact on student learning. Popular metrics that have gained traction are the notions of “years […]
Reflecting on and Improving Accountability Systems: Promises and Challenges Agenda Thursday, September 21st Time Topic 9:00am Welcome and Introduction to RILSScott Marion, Center for Assessment 9:15am What Problems are Current […]
Pressure to improve our school accountability systems is mounting. Criticism of accountability isn’t new, but it intensified in 2020, driven by two unprecedented crises: COVID-related school closures and a national […]
The last few years have produced a groundswell of interest in improving our school accountability systems. Some suggest it’s necessary to fine-tune current practices, while others advocate sweeping reforms that […]
The report presents recommendations from the Accountability Redesign Advisory Committee for the redesign of Utah’s School Accountability System. The overarching goal was to create a system that supports schools in […]
The pandemic has changed the accountability landscape. States are experiencing different challenges as they restart their ESSA accountability in 2022. To better understand the impact of the pandemic on states’ […]
Assessment and Accountability to Monitor and Support Learning Recovery Agenda Thursday, September 22nd Time Topic 9:00am Welcome: Best Practices in Using Assessment to Monitor andSupport the RecoveryScott Marion, Center for […]
This paper describes a set of studies conducted to help understand the effects of pandemic-related disruptions on students’ academic performance during the 2020-2021 academic year in the state of Utah. […]
The Operational Best Practices for Accountability are intended to provide states with guidance and criteria for the design, development, implementation, evaluation, and potential revision of accountability systems under ESSA. These […]
From Session 3 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: Technical and logistical issues associated with through-year designs are not for the faint of heart. What sounds like a simple […]
From Session 2 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: Claims are the foundation for design and validation. This session will include representatives from states and vendors to address some […]
From Session 1 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: Given the considerable variety of designs using the terms “through course,” “through year,” “distributed assessment,” or others, we start the […]
Presentation at the AERA Special Interest Group on School Indicators and Profiles; uses examples from several states to highlight the need to disaggregate data to address validity, equity, and improvement.
This paper describes the importance of collecting opportunity-to-learn (OTL) data and provides a framework to help states begin an OTL data collection and reporting system.
This paper provides guidance to help education leaders address the challenges of data collection and reporting in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This paper, supported by the Council of Chief State School Officers, provides guidance to help education leaders tackle accountability design and implementation decisions in light of the challenges of the […]