Students need 21st century competencies to succeed in school, work and civic life. But assessing those competencies is challenging.
Topics: State
Consequential Uses of Assessment: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead Agenda Thursday, Sept. 26 Time Session Description 8:30 Breakfast Breakfast provided 9:00 Welcome, Context & Essentials Scott Marion provides introductory remarks […]
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, educators and policymakers have scrambled to assess the impact on student learning. Popular metrics that have gained traction are the notions of “years […]
The ability to think analytically is vital in today’s world. In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, economic globalization and societal complexities, analytical thinking skills are paramount to career […]
Pressure to improve our school accountability systems is mounting. Criticism of accountability isn’t new, but it intensified in 2020, driven by two unprecedented crises: COVID-related school closures and a national […]
The last few years have produced a groundswell of interest in improving our school accountability systems. Some suggest it’s necessary to fine-tune current practices, while others advocate sweeping reforms that […]
More than a dozen states are exploring or piloting through-year assessments to replace their current end-of-year summative test for accountability. Although moving to a through-year assessment program may provide a […]
Through-year assessment is enjoying a surge of attention, with more than a dozen states designing, piloting, or implementing versions of this assessment model to replace their current end-of-year summative test […]
The report presents recommendations from the Accountability Redesign Advisory Committee for the redesign of Utah’s School Accountability System. The overarching goal was to create a system that supports schools in […]
This report for the Montana Office of Public Instruction outlines the framework for state assessments and informs the process of transitioning to a next-generation assessment system. Specifically, this report describes […]
The Operational Best Practices for Accountability are intended to provide states with guidance and criteria for the design, development, implementation, evaluation, and potential revision of accountability systems under ESSA. These […]
From Session 4 of the 2021 Convening on Through-Year Assessment: The final session will involve turning the tables. Center for Assessment professionals and some external experts will be invited to […]
Writing requests for proposals (RFPs) can be daunting and confusing. But a well-written RFP for state assessment services can save the potential client and potential bidders many headaches in preparing […]
This report contains a summary of the deliberations and recommendations to the Utah State Board of Education from the Utah Assessment Strategic Plan Work Group.
Educational assessments are powerful tools for guiding and informing teaching, learning, and school and district improvement. They are one of the multiple measures policymakers can use to improve the performance […]
Chris Domaleski explores design principles and approaches to steer accountability systems toward better balance and coherence.
Juan D’Brot and Scott Marion led an Assessment Task Force for the New Mexico Public Education Department to help create this framework for New Mexico’s next statewide assessment system and […]
This policy brief summarizes our paper, presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Measurement in Education, on the design considerations for balanced systems of assessment. We also […]